What I Have Learned as a K2 Intern

After a little more than a month as an intern at K2, I’ve learned that a real-world job doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds. Coming out of my freshman year in college, I realized that finding a job can be overwhelming and terrifying. I was second-guessing myself...

Meet Kristin Collins

Hello! My name is Kristin Collins, and I’m excited to be joining the team at K2 & Company. As an intern, my role involves supporting client image enhancement and assisting with social media efforts to ensure their message reaches its audience effectively....

Meet Jessica Gale

My name is Jessica and I am thrilled to join K2 & Company as an intern. I will be helping with social media content for a variety of clients. Additionally, I will help our clientele expand their reach and advance their public image. I was born and raised in the...

Meet Houston Keene

Keene isn’t just my last name, it’s what others feel about my work. My name is Houston Keene and I am joining K2 & Company as communications director. As you can probably guess, I am a seventh-generation Texan who was born in Austin and raised in Dallas. I...

Celebrating Our Women-Owned Business

We started K2 seven years ago, very quickly getting a scrappy MBA as a two-woman shop. We knew there was a market for our communications, fundraising, and advocacy services but we didn’t know just how big the market was. Seven years later, our team has grown to...

Meet Megan Linder

My name is Megan and I am excited to join the K2 & Company team as an Account Executive working in Fundraising and Events. I grew up in Eagan, Minnesota but always strived to go to college in a warmer climate. I received a full ride athletic scholarship to run...