K2 Latest News

The GOP Presidential Primary – Why K2 Got in the Arena

Presidential politics is a beast unlike anything most people have experienced. In terms of actionable work load, speed of work, and emotions, it's like the week leading up to the Super Bowl for those who enjoy sports or the week of your annual corporate conference,...

When Life Gives You Siblings, Make the Most Of It!

Growing up in Philadelphia, you always heard the refrain from Rocky “it’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” I always found it a little cliche… Far be it from me to defame the patron saint of Philadelphia, but...

100 Days Away from History

The lights are dimming, the orchestra is tuning, and the murmur of the opera house is quieting down. The curtains peel back and three lights shine — one red, one white, and one blue — as the stage is set for a political drama of epic proportions. While there were...

The Heat of Election Season

Some of you might frequently ask yourself, “Why is the American election season so long?” As campaigns seem to start earlier and earlier each year, it feels like we don’t know when one cycle ends and the next starts. Some candidates have been running for years!...

So… Where’s Kate Middleton? 

In the 90’s, kids had fun trying to find Waldo in his ski cap and red and white striped shirt.” In 2024, the world has a new global phenomenon called “Where’s Kate Middleton?” Memes, late-night jokes, TikTok conspiracy theories, rumors of secret murders, clandestine...


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